Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2014

March Comes In Like A Lion and Goes Out Like A Lamb!!

 *Please remember to dress for the weather.  We will hopefully be going outside for recess every day possible.  It is recommended that boots are worn every day in order for our feet to stay dry.  The playground will get very sloppy as the snow begins to melt!  Wear snow pants and mittens so we can still play in the snow.  Recess should be fun!!

**The March Challenge is RESPECT!  We are focusing on always showing respect to ourselves and the people around us. 
*Team Respect has begun a unit on how to become a Super Flex Hero!  Mrs. Willms introduced us to the 1st Unthinkable. Rock Brain, and taught us ways to fight him off.  The next Unthinkable we met was the Brain Eater!  We are learning to recognize when these distractors enter our brain and cause us to not focus anymore and how to prevent them from happening again.  Each week we will meet another Unthinkable!
MAP Testing is finished for the winter term!  The students made some amazing gains!  Please continue to read every night in order to continue to make great progress. 
Conference will be held on March 19.  You should have received an invitation if one is necessary at this time.  If you did not receive a notice and would like to meet and discuss your child's progress, please let me know and I will arrange a time.

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