Thursday, January 30, 2014

January Update!

THANKS! - I need to thank all the parents for braving the cold and coming to visit the Wilson Health Fair on January 23.  We had a fabulous turn out!  There were many booths to visit in the gym that were staffed by people who shared a lot of valuable information and tips for staying healthy.  Also, students could participate in exercise and yoga sessions.  In our classroom we mixed up a healthy trail mix to snack on as the students shared all their inquiry projects.  They have been working so hard gathering information and collaborating with other students on a group project.  You can view these Scribble Press books any time by going online to the Wilson website and looking under the student tab where the health inquiry projects are listed.  Enjoy all the different grade levels!  The students also shared the health booklet they have been writing during writer's workshop.  Many students also shared other writing in their notebooks that they have started.
Our next min-inquiry will be about Famous People.

FYI - The winter MAPS testing sessions will begin the week of February 10.  This time the students will be using their iPads to take the test.  I'm sure they will do a fabulous job!!

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