Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week of Oct. 28-Nov. 1

This week is a very important week for the 3rd graders.  They will be taking the WKCE test Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Reading will take place right away in the morning and math will take place after lunch and recess.  The 2nd graders will be helping out in our little buddies' room during these testing times.  Please assist your child in getting plenty of sleep at night, eating a good breakfast, and getting to school on time in order to do their best on these important tests.

Friday will be a day of celebration for all of us!!  Besides being the end of the 1st quarter, it also marks the end of our personal narrative writing adventure.  The students will be able to share their writing pieces with other students and enjoy the praise and acknowledgements for all their hard work!  We will also enjoy a bit of fun in celebration of the fall season and relax after a long, hard quarter preparing for the big tests.

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