Thursday, October 10, 2013

Room 214 News!

Oct. 2013

Welcome!  We are off to a great start in room 214. 

 In literacy we've been working with non-fiction text.  We have been noticing the text features (titles, pictures, captions, maps, and diagrams) as well as reading carefully to learn new information.  We even used our ipads to track our thinking using the Sticky Note app. 

 Our ipads help us to practice math and reading skills every day.  We use an app called Educreations to demonstrate our learning using pictures and recording our voice as we explain our thinking.


We had fun setting up our ipads with Mr. Kelly!

We have a lot of passwords for all of the cool programs we will be using!

It has been fun reading to our Book Buddies every Friday.

It's fun reading picture books!
We have begun a Writer's workshop working on narrative writing.  Most of the students have finished their first piece of writing.  They are really adding a lot of detail to make their writing more enjoyable. 

We enjoy writing in our Writer's Notebook and sharing our stories with a partner.


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