Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back and Happy Spring!!

We have entered the final quarter of the school year and there is still so much to do!
*Badger Exam=Begins Tuesday April 14 and April 15.  Although this is not a timed test we will begin testing at 8:45 promptly in order to share the keyboards with the next group scheduled to test at 9:45.  Please be at school on time.  Thanks! 
The other scheduled testing dates are: Monday, April 20 
                                                             Tuesday, April 20
                                                             Thursday, May 14
                                                             Friday, May 15

*High Interest Day=Friday, April 24

**Thank you for reading with your child every night.  It really helps them become a more fluent reader as well as increasing their comprehension.

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