Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall Celebration!

Fall is Fun!!
     We celebrated fall with a pumpkin math activity.  This involved estimating the weight of a pumpkin and using a scale to weigh it, counting lines on the pumpkin, estimating the seeds and counting them all, plus describing the pumpkin with words.  As you can see we enjoyed this activity immensely!!

     *Thank you to all parents and students for attending a conference.  We had 100% participation!  It is wonderful to share the learning strengths of your child and discuss the goals we still need to work on.  Thank you for all that you to do at home to help your child be successful!

     **Please help your child to remember warm coats, hats, and mittens every day.  Recess is fun but can seem long if we aren't dressed for the cold.   

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