Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mummy Wrap!

The November challenge was "The No Contact Challenge" which was to keep our hands and feet to ourselves at all times.  We did a great job especially in the hallways and lining up.  We reduced the referrals going to the office and were rewarded with a Pajama Bingo day complete with prizes. 

The mummy wrap was the bonus reward for turning in the reading minute sheets. 

Our December challenge is to reduce the referrals to the office that occur at recess time.  This is a whole school challenge and includes every recess!   Our goal is to play safe and have fun.  We can do it!!

Pajama Bingo and Mummy Wrap!

Mrs. Koehler was brave enough to get wrapped up like a mummy.

Everyone got a chance to wrap her up.

It's hard to recognize her.
Pajama Bingo with our buddies was lots of fun.
It was fun to see the winners fun by to get their prize in the office.

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