Friday, December 20, 2013

December 2013

December 2013
               HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Have a healthy, relaxing, and fun vacation with your family.

READING:  The students in room 214 have been working hard on reading comprehension.  Our classroom won the Championship Achieve 3000 Belt.  This is awarded to the classroom with the highest percentage on the activity questions for the week.  The students took turns wearing it when they got 100% on their daily article.  Please encourage your child to read every day over the break.  They can access the Achieve website too if they have internet access.  They might even win a prize if their name is selected after reading 4 or more articles and completing the activity questions with 75% accuracy.  Happy Reading!!

MATH:  The 3rd graders are focusing on multiplication strategies.  Please help your child learn & memorize their multiplication facts by practicing with flash cards daily.  There are many math games on the internet too that focus on learning the facts.

Writing:  Our focus has been on informative writing.  The students are almost finished fixing up a piece about something they are an expert on.  They will then be writing about the inquiry topic, Healthy Me, that they have been investigating and researching.  You will be able to see the results of their hard work at the end of January.

The Achieve Belt!

Room 214 earned the Achieve Belt award for
scoring 75% on reading articles and activity questions.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Indoor recess can be tons of fun!!

Sometimes we play Scrabble.

We love to play Bingo!

We take turns playing Connect 4.

Chinese Checkers is just 1 game in this game cube.

We are getting very good at putting puzzles together.

We love to draw pictures.

It's also a great time to continue writing in our journals.

Please remember to dress warm because we go out every day except when the temperature drops below 10 degrees.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mummy Wrap!

The November challenge was "The No Contact Challenge" which was to keep our hands and feet to ourselves at all times.  We did a great job especially in the hallways and lining up.  We reduced the referrals going to the office and were rewarded with a Pajama Bingo day complete with prizes. 

The mummy wrap was the bonus reward for turning in the reading minute sheets. 

Our December challenge is to reduce the referrals to the office that occur at recess time.  This is a whole school challenge and includes every recess!   Our goal is to play safe and have fun.  We can do it!!

Pajama Bingo and Mummy Wrap!

Mrs. Koehler was brave enough to get wrapped up like a mummy.

Everyone got a chance to wrap her up.

It's hard to recognize her.
Pajama Bingo with our buddies was lots of fun.
It was fun to see the winners fun by to get their prize in the office.