Saturday, October 24, 2015

Door Decoration WINNERS!!!!

Room 214 won the door decoration contest!! 
We won the category of "Clever Connection to reading" and along with this honor we also won $40 to spend at the book fair.  We will be previewing the books on Monday with our buddy class.  The book fair will be open during the conference evenings and also on Saturday (Oct. 30) for the Grand Event. 

Conferences will be held Monday, Oct. 26 and Tuesday, Oct. 27.  It will be a great chance to hear about the progress your child is making this school year. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Special Events

September & October Events
     Our first all-school PAWS challenge was devoted to practicing and mastering the Positive Behavior expectations.  Each week in September the focus was on practicing the expectations that went along with one letter of the PAWS PBIS model.  This was a good reminder of all the expected behaviors in every area of the school community.  The students have really shown wonderful respect and responsibility for themselves and others.  Our reward was an all-school read in the hallways with plenty of raffle prizes. 
     In October we began the Chit Chat Challenge!  This is a chance to earn 2 tickets each day if we are mindful of our quiet work time and don't talk when others are talking or working.  We can't wait to see what the all-school reward will be for this!!
     October is also Fire Prevention Month and the West Allis Fire Department came to remind us all about fire safety.  We were reminded about how to stay safe in our homes.  The best part of the assembly was the appearance of Sparky and getting to see the giant ladder truck on the playground.  We appreciate all they do to keep us safe in West Allis.   

The 2015-16 School Year!

The 2015-16 school year is under way!! 
     We have been working hard to develop our positive classroom community and establish strong friendships. 
     This year we are implementing a readers and writers workshop model for our literacy block.  This will entail a daily mini-lesson and then substantial time for reading and writing to practice the strategies discussed. During the reading time the children will also have the opportunity to confer with the teacher and meet in small groups.  Once again we have the pleasure to read with our 1st grade buddy class in Mrs. Isensee's room.  (Please see the pictures below) 
     In math this year we are challenging our students to think about math a bit differently.  We want everyone to work hard and persevere on problems even if they make mistakes or seem too hard and impossible.  Our goal is for each student to gain deeper understanding of number sense and math concepts, reason through problem solving, and explain their thinking.