Thursday, May 28, 2015

Field Day!

We had a blast participating in Field Day!  Most events involved balance, speed, and teamwork!  The best part was the good sportsmanship exhibited by everyone.  Please enjoy all the pictures.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Important Dates

We have 2 field trips scheduled for the end of the year which is fast approaching.  It would be wonderful to have as many parent volunteers as possible in order for these to run smoothly.  I hope you can arrange your schedules in order to join us.  Both of these will last most of the school day.  Here are the dates:

Milwaukee County Zoo -- June 4
La Follett Park -- June 10 (rain date June 11)

If you are able to join us for one or both of these please contact me.  You can email, leave a phone message, or jot a quick note in your child's assignment notebook. 

Thank you for helping to make this a wonderful and successful school year.