Thursday, February 26, 2015

Field trip to planetarium

On February 24 & 25 Team Respect went on a fieldtrip to the Wauwautosa West High School Planetarium.  The interactive show took us on a journey through the solar system as we visited each of the planets and learned facts about each one. We also viewed the star constellations in the February sky and learned the stories behind them.  Now we want to hear more stories about different star constellations!   What an awesome experience!!

One School One Book - 68 Rooms

For the past 5 weeks the entire Wilson school has been actively reading the same book.  68 Rooms has been an exciting book to share with our families and classrooms.  We have been reading some chapters in class and some at home.  The discussions are rich with predictions and inferences, as well as wondering how it would feel if we could have an exciting adventure like our characters Ruthie and Jack. 

Our culminating activities are happening now.  We were able to skype with the author, Marianne Malone.  She explained how she became a writer and how she goes through the writing process.  We were able to prepare and ask questions about writing and her books.  It was really a wonderful experience to speak with a professional writer. 

We have also created our own Thorne Room and will be creating a larger display by joining with the other classroom Thorne Rooms. We can't wait to see all of the creative miniatures next week for a gallery walk in the gym.

The Knowledge-A-Thon will also take place next week Tues. or Wed.  All students will participate in class and I am confidant they will know many answers as evidenced by our great class discussions.

Thank you for all your active participation in this fun learning experience. 

Fernando and his dad built this miniature room.  It even has a real working ceiling fan!