Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall is officially here and Room 214 is in the swing of things!!
     We have been practicing our Balanced Literacy rotations every day. This consists of independent reading, writing, word work, and using technology to read articles and answer comprehension questions.  We also enjoy partner reading too!  The MAPS testing will finish up this week, but starting next week all students will be participating in the PALS test.  This is another informative assessment of your child's spelling, vocabulary recognition, and reading ability. On Fridays we meet with our Buddy room, Mrs. Isensee's K/1 class, for fun reading and activities.
     Math takes place in the afternoon and all students are grouped in various Team Respect rooms so that they may receive the best individualized instruction.  These room placements will change throughout the year depending on the math concept taught and your child's strength. 
     **Fall means chilly mornings so please help your child to remember to wear a jacket or sweatshirt to school each morning.

Enjoy a few pictures featuring our K/1 buddies!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year!

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year!!
We are off to a terrific start.  We have begun Writer's Workshop and enjoy writing small moment narratives about things that have happened in our lives.  We are also practicing the different components of Balanced Literacy such as; read to self, read with someone, and word sorts. Enjoy the pictures as you watch us grow!!