Monday, April 14, 2014

High Interest Day!

Spring Break begins Thursday, April 17-28!  Please continue to have your child read every day.  A Bingo sheet was sent home to encourage each student to continue practicing reading and math activities.  If a computer is available there are many reading and math programs such as, Achieve 3000, Razz Kids, Dreambox, and Discovery Education. 
Students will be taking the MAP tests when we return from vacation and we want their scores to reflect how much they have learned this year.  

High Interest Day was a complete success! 
Each student participated in 3 events in the morning.  Thanks to the many volunteers each session was packed with hands-on, fun-filled activities.  In the afternoon the students enjoyed the assembly presented by Kohl's Wild Theater which taught us about the ecosystem and how everything humans do has an impact on other animals and environments.
Hair Extensions added fun color!


A tornado was created in the Mr. Wizard session.

Painting Pottery was creative and fun!

Extra computer time is always enjoyable!

Karate Academy was hard work!

Fun With Fondant was yummy!


We learned our carbon footprints have an impact on animals
such as the polar bear and trumpeter swan.

We also learned that over-fishing can impact the penguins
in Antarctica.