Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Reading:  We are working on asking questions and reading to find the answers. 
In our guided reading groups we are also reading fiction books and focusing on finding proof within the text to support our answers.  The 3rd graders have begun to use the daily WIN (What I Need) time to focus on reading.  Students have been divided into focus groups for fluency, comprehension, or extension purposes.  Almost everyday the students are using their ipads to read an Achieve article or Raz Kids book.  They are doing an amazing job on increasing their comprehension.

Math: Students have been working on numbers and operations.  The 3rd graders will begin multiplication after Thanksgiving.  Please help your child master their multiplication facts by practicing with flash cards.  The students are using their ipads daily for Dreambox to practice various math skills and concepts.  Dreambox can be accessed at home to practice at night also. 

Writing:  We have begun our informational writing unit.  The students are planning and writing their first piece about a topic they are an expert on.  This unit will be helpful as the students dig deeper into our Healthy Me inquiry unit and prepare for the project they will complete at the end of the unit.
Thursday, November 21st 5:30 – 6:30pm

Wilson Web-Based Programs:

Come and learn how to use our different web programs to encourage your child's learning outside of school and to setup an effective at home learning routine. We will cover the basics(Where to go, how to login, what you child should be doing, how this is benefiting them, strategies for helping at home) for the following web programs: Raz-Kids, Achieve3000, TumbleBooks, Dreambox and if there is time Discovery Education.